Programming error overpaid thousands of unemployed Louisianans

The Louisiana government admitted this week that a technical issue caused thousands of out-of-work residents to receive notices informing them they’d been overpaid in unemployment benefits and had to return the money to Baton Rouge.

The Louisiana Workforce Commission said in a statement Thursday approximately 7,600 Unemployment Insurance over-payment notices were produced earlier this month and that it is working with its vendor to correct the issue.

The Louisiana Workforce Commission is working to send a “Notice of Adjustment” to the people affected to inform them they do not owe the state government any money.

“We apologize for any confusion,” The Louisiana Workforce Commission said, adding it will “continue to work to resolve any further outstanding issues.”

The Louisiana Workforce Commission told The Associated Press that the notices were sent to more than 4,300 people. It has set up an email account dedicated solely for people dealing with the problem to ask the government questions.

The Louisiana Workforce Commission did not immediately respond to a request for further comment from The Hill.

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